
Automate Your ‘Own Risk Assessment’

Why use Pensionapps?

Own Risk Assessment

3D linked view of your pension rules, risks, controls, and affirmations


Pre-meeting packs, digital meeting attestations, follow up tasks and reminders

Replace Excel

Excel is NOT a database! Everything compliance in one place. Secure indelible record of staff actions. Easily exportable for MI

Our Pension Apps

Full audit trail, time stamps, user change logs


Risk Dashboard

Digitise your Own Risk Assessment, track risks, controls and evidence actions


TPR Rule Book

TPR new codes digitised. Log rules you’re following and mark up risks and control actions


Resolution Packs

Digital winding down resolution pack with key documents such as client accounts, providers etc.

How it Works


Control matrix upload

Upload the regulation sections applicable to your business with our data feed direct from the regulator


Rules and Guidance

Map out applicable rules and guidance into our controlled data environment


Risks identified

Identify any potential risk breaches applicable to your organisation


Controls setup

Create control measures for risk mitigation

System overview

Over 250 companies use our platforms globally

Feedback from our clients

Book a demo

SaaS software with no commitment or contract. Free set up and installation.