GRCapps Use Cases

SMCR & Accountability Regime Software

GRCapps accountability regime software helps you map your organisation’s structure, monitor responsibilities and delegation, document reasonable actions and automate submissions to regulators.

With GRCapps, you can centralise and automate the majority of the processes required to comply with the UK’s SMCR regime and similar accountability regimes around the world, including:

Senior Executive Accountability (SEAR) Regime in Ireland IAC
(Individual Accountability and Conduct) Regime in Singapore MIC
(Manager in Charge) Regime in Hong Kong FAR
(Financial Accountability Regime) Regime in Australia

Solution Features

  • Document all employees who are covered by the regime, schedule document and information collection needed to certify.
  • Certify senior Managers’ responsibilities with attestations and evidence.
  • Identify individual reporting lines including cross-entity/matrix-management scenarios.
  • Create regulatory documents including Statement of Responsibilities (SOR) and Management Responsibilities. Export ready information.
  • Set up automated workflows for onboarding/offboarding/change of responsibilities, delegation/handover/request/provision of references, certification/fit and proper assessment, incident & breach management.
  • HR and Compliance have real-time visibility of responsibilities, active staff and certification schedules.

Operational Resilience Software

Planning for extreme but realistic scenarios, modelling impact tolerances and identifying gaps.

The financial services industry is facing a growing number of operational and security incidents, necessitating a concerted effort to create a resilient framework.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and International Organization for Securities Commissions have set global standards for resilience, as has the Financial Conduct Authority. Regulatory bodies such as the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Commission (FCA) have also put in place new requirements to strengthen the resilience of firms.

Mapping each dependent resource across the group and taking a risk view of your operations can be a daunting task for any firm.

Utilising the expertise and technical design skills of Compliapps, we offer a robust operational resilience compliance platform that is invaluable to clients working in the financial markets.

Solution Overview

  • Our software leverages our rules, risk and control platform to map services and resources to ensure operational resilience compliance.
  • Map your critical business services to the right operational resources such as people, equipment, systems, data and suppliers.
  • Identify gaps and create a resilience self-assessment document for your leadership review.